Experiencing our Yoga Nidra online class: A Journey Through the lunar cycle and the Layers of you.

May 06, 2024

Experiencing our Yoga Nidra online class: A Journey Through the Layers of you.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, finding moments of tranquility and inner peace can seem like an elusive dream. Yet, amidst the chaos, there exists a profound practice that beckons us to journey inward, to explore the depths of our consciousness, and to connect with the rhythms of the universe. Welcome to the world of our Universal Movement methodology online Yoga Nidra meditations, a practice of deep relaxation and visualisation techniques that holds the potential to transform our lives in remarkable ways all aligned to reconnect with your true self and the universe with our Yoga Nidra online class.

Understanding Yoga Nidra: At its core, Yoga Nidra is a state of conscious deep sleep, where the body is completely relaxed, yet the mind remains alert and aware. Originating from ancient yogic traditions, this practice offers a doorway to profound relaxation, emotional healing, and spiritual awakening. Through guided relaxation, breath awareness, and visualisation, our practitioners are guided into a state of deep restorative rest, rejuvenating both body and mind.

The Layers of Yoga Nidra: What you can experience in our Yoga Nidra on line class, Yoga Nidra encompasses various layers of consciousness, each offering a unique gateway to deeper self-awareness and inner healing, layer upon layer including:

  1. Physical Body: In the initial stages of Yoga Nidra, our practitioners are guided to relax their physical body, releasing tension and allowing for deep physical relaxation in our Yoga Nidra online class.
  2. Breath and Energy Body: As the practice deepens, attention is directed towards the breath and the subtle energy flowing through the body, facilitating a sense of balance and vitality.
  3. Emotional Body: Through gentle introspection and visualisation, practitioners explore and release stored emotions, enabling emotional healing and resilience.
  4. Thoughts and Mental Body: In the depths of Yoga Nidra, the fluctuations of the mind begin to quiet, leading to a state of inner stillness and clarity of mind.
  5. Witness Consciousness: At the pinnacle of the practice, practitioners awaken to the state of witness consciousness, where they observe thoughts, sensations, and emotions with detached awareness, experiencing a profound sense of peace and interconnectedness.

 Practical Tips for Lunar Yoga Nidra Practice: To embrace the harmony of Yoga Nidra with the lunar cycle, consider incorporating the following practices into your routine:

  • Set aside time for regular Yoga Nidra sessions perhaps aligned with the phases of the moon with our wellness classes and wellbeing community - Secrets of the moon.
  • Create a sacred space for your practice, free from distractions and conducive to deep relaxation.
  • Tune into the subtle rhythms of your body and emotions, for self awareness.
  • Keep a journal to track your experiences and insights throughout your Yoga Nidra practice, noting any patterns or shifts in your practice.

How can our Yoga Nidra online class benefit you? 

Our Yoga Nidra online class serves as a guided journey into deep relaxation, where you lie down and Alexe our Yoga Nidra and meditation instructor leads you through layers of heightened awareness. 

Yoga Nidra highly is transformative and has become a genuine passion of mine over the years. says Alexe self care coach and UM founder

With our Yoga Nidra online class you have easy accessibility to profound experiences. While consistent practice undoubtedly yields benefits, even a first session can offer a profound reminder of one's authentic self. Bringing self-awareness and self-realisation. It  whispers one's true essence and destiny. Knowing oneself brings wholeness, offering a clear perspective on life's challenges, priorities, and one's unique contribution to the world. Alexe's Yoga Nidra online class enables you to dive deep though a body scan and she will take you on a journey though the elements, seasons, lunar cycle, and cosmos with her cosmic cat naps and wellbeing community. 

Despite its ancient origins, Yoga Nidra experiences a resurgence today because its fundamental message remains timeless. It addresses humanity's perennial struggle with the misconception of identity, affirming through direct experience that one's essence is rooted in Source, however one chooses to define it. With this deep understanding of one's true nature, life takes on new clarity, beauty, and gratitude. 

Yoga, traditionally described as the union of all things with Oneness, finds synergy with Nidra, which translates to "sleep." However, our Yoga Nidra online class is not just a way to take a nap and replenish your energy; it also serves as a pathway to awakening to one's True Self. Nidra more accurately denotes the hypnagogic state between dreaming and wakefulness. Guided into this relaxed state, individuals unlock heightened Awareness. Here, amidst deeply relaxed Awareness, clarity and peace abound, it is a incredible tool that guides to towards physical, spiritual, and mental healing. 

Here are some of the benefits of our Yoga Nidra online class:

  • Reduce stress
  • Improve sleep
  • Productivity
  • Relaxation
  • Let go of anger
  • Reduce high blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Boost creativity
  • Spirituality (whatever denomination or non-denomination you are)
  • Become more confident
  • Self-worth
  • Trauma
  • Happiness
  • Self love
  • Forgiveness
  • Reduce anxiety
  • Emotional balance
  • Pain management
  • Focus and concentration
  • Immune system function
  • Mindfulness and present-moment awareness
  • Emotional resilience
  • Relationship harmony
  • Compassion and empathy
  • Coping skills and resilience
  • Self-acceptance and self-awareness
  • Inner peace and tranquility
  • Connection with intuition and inner wisdom
  • Enhancing overall well-being and life satisfaction

Our Yoga Nidra online class offerings: Alongside our live online classes, we offer several Yoga Nidra downloads set to launch this Summer. These downloads will provide further opportunities to delve into the transformative power of Yoga Nidra from the comfort of your own space and at the time that you wish to during the day or night.

Furthermore, we offer lunar alignment through our cosmic cat naps, synchronising with the lunar cycle to facilitate deep rest and rejuvenation. As part of our commitment to lunar alignment, Alexe conducts live rest rituals twice a month on the full and dark moon. These popular Yoga Nidra online classes, known as moonlight rituals, offer participants the chance to let go and replenish their energy under the stars, all from the comfort of their own homes. 

For those of you looking for an even deeper yoga Nidra experience we offer private one-to-one class of Yoga Nidra offers clients personalised attention, tailored to their specific needs and goals. With individualised guidance, clients can explore deeper layers of consciousness, experiencing profound relaxation and healing. Customised transformational practices are created to align with each client's unique preferences, maximising the benefits. Alexe is happy to discuss in confidence these options with you and can create a tailored recored class designed uniquely to you. For more information please reach out to Alexe directly at [email protected] 

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