Self care coach

Self care and intuition this Cancer season

Jul 10, 2024

So whats cooking this cancer season at Universal Movement?

We have lots of treats for you...

Cancer and Body Astrology

Cancer is a captivating sign in astrology, associated with the element of Water and ruled by the Moon. Cancerian's individuals are often known for their emotional depth, intuition, and nurturing nature. They have a profound connection to their feelings and are driven by their need for security and comfort.

Body Astrology: Cancer

In body astrology, each zodiac sign is associated with different parts of the body. Cancer is linked with the chest, breasts, stomach, digestive system, and the womb. These areas reflect Cancer’s nurturing and protective qualities, as they are integral to nourishment and emotional security. Cancerian's make great nurturing leaders but need to remember to nurture themselves as well as everyone around them. ✨

Emotional and Intuitive Connection

Cancer individuals have a strong presence and are deeply in tune with their emotions and intuitions. They often have a natural inclination towards activities that provide emotional comfort and security. This connection to their inner world and their instinctual responses can guide them in making decisions and caring for themselves and others.

Sensory and Emotional Nurturing

Cancer’s association with the Moon enhances their sensitivity and emotional awareness. They are drawn to activities that soothe and nurture their senses and emotions, such as:

  • Home-Cooked Meals: Preparing and enjoying comforting, home-cooked meals can be deeply satisfying for Cancer individuals. The act of cooking and sharing meals with loved ones aligns with their nurturing nature.

  • Creating a Cozy Home Environment: Surrounding themselves with soft fabrics, warm lighting, and personal mementos helps Cancer individuals create a safe and comforting space.

  • Water Activities: Swimming, taking long baths, or spending time near bodies of water can be particularly soothing for Cancer individuals. Water helps them connect with their emotions and provides a sense of renewal.

Physical Health and Self-Care

Cancer individuals need to pay attention to their physical health, especially in areas linked to their zodiac sign:

  • Digestive Health: Maintaining a balanced diet and managing stress are crucial for digestive well-being. Herbal teas and mindful eating practices can help support their digestive system.

  • Chest and Breasts: Regular self-exams and being mindful of any changes in their chest and breast area are important for Cancer individuals. Gentle exercises like yoga can help maintain flexibility and strength in these areas.

  • Stomach: Managing stress and emotional well-being is essential for stomach health. Practices such as mindfulness, meditation, and breathing exercises can help reduce stress and promote digestive health.

Intuitive and Emotional Activities

Cancer individuals thrive in environments that allow them to express their emotions and intuitions. Engaging in activities such as:

  • Journaling: Writing down their thoughts and feelings can provide clarity and emotional release.

  • Creative Arts: Painting, crafting, or any creative activity that allows them to express their inner world can be therapeutic.

  • Moon Rituals: Following the lunar cycle is highly important for Cancerian's and we incorporating moon gazing to relax before sleep. By getting a good understand of the ebbs and flows of the moon phases and moon signs you can easily navigate your emotions and energy levels. Our methodology enables you to live, move and manifest with the moon. Check out our Moon Memberships and single classes designed to follow the rhythms and patterns of cyclical living. 

If you wish to go deeper... 

Alexe UM founder and astrology self care coach has written a mini course especially for cancer signs to get to grips with your unique self care needs. That helps you decode your birth charts sun, moon and rising signs with self care routines ideal for cancer zodiac signs to understand how to replenish their energy, feel in control of their internal emotional world guided by their moon sign, including movement, nutrition and self care practices. By paying attention to your physical health and engaging in nurturing practices, you can maintain balanced well-being. All while embracing your natural tendencies towards continuously caring for others it's vital you also take care of yourself  to be able to do this with out the guilt of taking take for you at key moments though out lunar cycle allowing you to thrive and feel fulfilled.

If you would like to discover more about self care for Cancer or Cancer season please check out our mini astrological self care courses for you to align to your sun, moon and rising signs. 

Or please visit our YouTube channel to experience a guided Yoga Nidra for cancer season visualisations.

Thank you to the incredible Nattskiftet for this amazing work out art! 

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